Wednesday, October 26, 2016

DVD ISLAMIC CHILDREN SONG- free gift ! RM60 only

DVD ISLAMIC CHILDREN SONG- free gift !  RM60 only

Whatapps 0139022580
Adakah anda Ibu ayah yang ada anak anak kecil ada yang sedang cari video video kartun yang best best dan berkualiti untuk anak anak..hmmm, tapi Alhamdulillah, hari ni saya sudah jumpa Video kartun lagu english yang islamik....selamat dan menyelamatkan....DVD ISLAMIC CHILDREN SONG ni mengandungi video lagu yang sangat best untuk anak anak belajar bahasa Inggeris dalam suasana yang lebih Islamik....
Dalam 1 SET LENGKAP mengandungi:
✔ 10 Lagu Animasi CERIA. Original DVD.
✔ 30 Muka Surat Buku Lirik & Aktiviti BERWARNA
✔ 48 Stickers HEBAT English + Zikrullah
✔ 10 Poster Mini kata-kata HIKMAH.
Kearah membantu anak-anak untuk:
LEBIH MUDAH menangkap Bahasa Inggeris dengan 10 lagu konten islami.
LEBIH SERONOK mengisi masa lapang membuat latihan di buku aktiviti menarik.
LEBIH SEMANGAT belajar dengan kata-kata hebat Stickers English + Zikrullah. 
LEBIH CERIA dengan kata-kata hikmah mini poster yang comel dan unik.

PP26-KINETIC SAND BOX 2kg Dengan 36 Aksesori dan Tray - READY STOK RM50

Warna yang ada stok sekarang ialah : BIRU, HIJAU, KUNING, COKLAT (ASLI), OREN
Warna TIADA STOK : Pink dan Purple
Stok baru akan masuk 3 Oktober 2016
Whatapps for details 0139022580

The other night I put together this salt tray and set of alphabet cards set for Simon. He has been into learning about letters lately, and loves to trace things. Also, anytime he gets to do sensory play is exciting for him.
There are so many different, awesome ways to make salt trays and to play with them, but the one that inspired me was from this great Montessori site. I re-purposed a wooden tray that came from a Melissa and Doug lacing card toy that Simon got for Christmas. The cards, I made by cutting up pieces of various thick watercolor paper that I had on hand. I made all the cards the same size, just right for inserting into the small compartment on the wooden tray. I painted all of the letters of the alphabet in capital on one side, and lower case on the back.
In addition to working on making letters, Simon also likes to use the tray to draw pictures. Sometimes he asks for a q-tip to do this. He really likes running his hands through the roughly textured salt, and making little piles in the tray too. As for the alphabet cards, we have spread those out in a line on the floor, and sung our ABC’s as we walked along, stepping  and jumping in front of each letter.
Info from :
8 Benefits to Use Kinetic Sand in Therapy
We’re happy to have Christie from join us today as she gives us peek into some of the therapeutic benefits of Kinetic Sand.
It’s more than just fun to play with! Take it away Christie:
Kinetic Sand Letters
Have you ever heard of Kinetic Sand? It’s super cool but extremely difficult to describe. Kinetic Sand is a sand-like substance that is easily moldable, yet also free flowing. It hardens when squeezed, yet “melts” when released. It has the properties of wet sand, yet is not wet. It sticks to itself, yet is not sticky. It is soft, yet not fluffy. Like I said, difficult to describe!
As a pediatric occupational therapist, I am always looking for materials that can be used in therapy to help children further their developmental skills. Kinetic Sand is an ideal therapeutic material due to its versatility and its ability to offer a wide variety of benefits to the kids (and adults) who engage with it!
Here are 8 benefits of using Kinetic Sand in therapy:

1. Fine Motor Development

Kinetic Sand is a hands-on material so, yeah, it can help develop fine motor skills! Squeeze it, squish it, or smash it with a potato smasher to strengthen hands. Poke it or pinch it to further develop those index finger skills. Roll it into balls or flatten it with a rolling pin to developbilateral skills. Scoop it or cut it to practice grasping and using tools such as spoons, ice cream scoopers, and knives. Press cookie cutters down into flattened sand or pack it into little cups and flip them over to build sand castles and further develop those small muscles in the fingers and hands. The fine motor benefits are seemingly endless!

2. Sensory Processing

Sensory Processing
Kinetic Sand is the perfect sensory material for kids who either crave or are sensitive to tactile input. Kids who want to touch everything and are constantly seeking tactile input will gladly touch, squeeze, and play with Kinetic Sand … it might seem like they won’t be able to get enough of it! Because Kinetic Sand can be squeezed it provides deep pressure, which is a form of tactile input that is calming and organizing to the body. This is especially helpful for those who are sensory seekers!
On the other hand, kids who are sensitive to or avoidant of “messy play” experiences (or who are hesitant to try out new things in general) will likely be open to engaging with Kinetic Sand due to its soft, non-sticky texture. I have seen this first-hand with my tactile defensive OT kiddos. You really have to feel Kinetic Sand to know what I mean. Even though it looks and acts like wet sand, it is soft, dry, and cool to the touch. It doesn’t get stuck in your fingernails and doesn’t feel sticky or scratchy. Perfect for kids with tactile defensiveness. Even if the child is not open to touching the Kinetic Sand right away, they can easily engage with it by using a tool such as a spoon in order to avoid touching it but still get used to engaging with it.

3. Drawing and Pre-Writing Skills

Writing in Sand
Before kids are old enough to use a pencil to learn to write (which really should not take place until Kindergarten), they should be given opportunities to practice their drawing and pre-writing skills in multi-sensory materials. Kinetic Sand is perfect for this! Kids can use their fingers or tiny tools (such as toothpicks, Q-tips, or the non-brush end of a paintbrush) to scribble, doodle, or draw shapes or pre-writing strokes. This can give them some additional sensory input and help them practice their pencil grasp without even using a pencil! Find more fun multi-sensory activities for drawing and pre-writing on my blog by clicking HERE.

4. Creative Thinking

Sand Castles
Because Kinetic Sand is an open-ended material (i.e., there is no one right way to play with it), it can be great for challenging kids to use their creative thinking skills. This is part of something that we in the OT world like to call “praxis”. Praxis consists of three steps — ideation, motor planning, and execution. When engaging with an open-ended material, a child first must engage in ideation — being able to come up with an idea for how to engage in a novel motor task. Once ideation is achieved, the child must then be able to come up with a cognitive “motor plan” for how to go about that novel motor task. Once the motor plan is established, then they can follow through with it, thus demonstrating “execution”. Kinetic Sand is especially useful for addressing ideation, which can be particularly challenging for children with autism. By giving the child a tray of Kinetic Sand, along with a few tools, materials for molding or building, and the cue Hmmm, what can we make?, you are providing that child the opportunity to work on ideation, which contributes to the foundation of creative thinking.

5. Pretend Play

While pretend play does tend to involve creative thinking, it requires a different set of developmentally-based cognitive skills and is definitely its own category. Research shows that toddlers and preschool-aged children require concrete props in order to facilitate symbolic play, so pull out those miniature bowls, spoons, and characters (like these mini animals) to stir up a little creativity! The preschool years are the prime years of creativity, so follow the child’s lead as they use Kinetic Sand to feed the animals, give them a bath, or scoop you a bowl of chocolate ice cream.

6. Speech and Language Development

Kinetic Sand
Did you know sensory play with materials such as Kinetic Sand can actually help children expand their speech and language skills? It’s not just the Kinetic Sand, it’s the interaction that occurs between the child and their communication partner (that’s YOU!) that helps expand those speech and language skills. Speech-Language Pathologist Katie Yeh shares a host of tips on her blog about how to help your child talk! A few simple yet powerful tips include slowing down and being present, getting down at your child’s level and making eye contact, following your child’s lead, becoming a narrator, and commenting and asking questions. Click HERE for all of her easy-to-implement tips to help your child talk as you engage with him or her through play (including sensory play!).

7. Increased Attention

Increased Attention
As I mentioned earlier, deep pressure can be organizing to the body. So all that squeezing can actually do more than simply strengthen little hands. It can get brains ready to learn, too! I often use squeezable materials with my clients in therapy before they must sit and focus on a task such as writing, cutting, or playing a game at the table for this very reason.

My Busy Bag Tiny Thinkers RM50 sahaja

My Busy Bag Tiny Thinkers  RM50 sahaja

NOW AVAILABLE!! Get your kids busy with our jumbo size busy bag . 
Whatapps now 0139022580


Keep your child busy with our 6 activities inside the busy bags: 

1. Rainbow sticks 
2. Safari numbers 
3. My transport 
4. Monster shapes 
5. Button matching 
6. Alphabets pairing



Whatapps 0139022580 

Jurnal si cilik merupakan sebuah jurnal atau diari yang menyediakan ruang untuk ibu ayah mencatat semua memori yang berkaitan dengan si cilik mereka.

Di samping itu, ibu ayah juga dapat mencatat setiap perubahan dan perkembangan atau apa-apa bentuk pencapaian untuk disimpan sebagai kenangan manis atau permasalahan yang ingin dikenalpasti supaya dapat mencari solusi seterusnya.

Dalam jurnal ini memuatkan beberapa nota ringkas seperti,

[+] 4 pendidikan mengikut sunnah Rasulullah
[+] Doa kecemerlangan keluarga
[+] Carta perkembangan anak-anak 0-6 tahun
[+] Jadual 8 jenis bakat anak-anak
[+] Idea belajar di rumah
[+] Bahan bantuan mengajar
[+] Contoh penekanan pembelajaran
[+] 6 perkara yang perlu ibu ayah tahu
[+] Beberapa kata-kata inspirasi daripada ikon 
[+] Ruang untuk catatan bonda dan contengan si cilik

Jurnal ini sekaligus memberi ruang kepada ibu ayah untuk merancang pembelajaran anak-anak mengikut bulanan dan dapat menganalisa dan kenalpasti kekuatan dan kelemahan anak-anak mereka.

Perancangan dalam pendidikan anak-anak adalah amat penting dalam tujuan membudayakan keluarga kita. Rutin harian yang dijalankan dapat menilai anak kita bagus daripada pelbagai aspek.

Daripada penilaian yang dibuat, sekurang-kurangnya memberi gambaran dan idea bagi ibu ayah menetapkan tindakan seterusnya.
Jangan biarkan momen-momen itu terlepas begitu sahaja..



Whatapps 0139022580 untuk order

Playpad untuk kanak-kanak ini menggunakan 3 bahasa; Indonesia, Arab dan Inggeris.

terdiri daripada
Bacaan Solat Lengkap
doa Harian
Pengenalan Huruf Hijaiyah
Kalimah Thayyibah, Syahadat, Doa Qunut, Selawat, Al Fatihah.
Disertai lampu LED yang boleh dihidupkan atau dimatikan.

Isi playpad ini yang pertama adalah bacaan solat mulai takbiratul ihram sampai dengan salam. Dilanjutkan dengan 10 doa harian; bangun tidur, masuk-keluar WC, setelah wudhu, sebelum makan, memakai pakaian, naik kenderaan, masuk-keluar masjid, menjenguk orang sakit yang semuanya insya Allah sesuai Sunnah.

Kemudian adalah pengenalan huruf hijaiyyah bermula dari Alif sampai dengan Yaa, berikut penggunaannya dalam kata benda, disertai ejaan dalam bahasa Arab. Ada soalan di mana hurufnya dalam bahasa Arab. Selain itu ada pula pengenalan angka dan huruf A-Z dalam 2 bahasa (Bahasa Inggeris-Indonesia), berikut penggunaannya dalam kata. Ejaan bagi setiap kata dalam kata benda yang sudah tertera.

Ada juga Find Letter dan Find Word dalam 2 bahasa (Bahasa Inggeris-Indonesia), di mana kanak-kanak akan diminta untuk meneka sesuai soalan yang diberikan oleh enjinnya. Terdapat fungsi Spelling, Quiz dan Math. Untuk Quiz, soalan dalam bahasa Arab, Inggeris dan Indonesia. Kalau jawapannya benar, maka akan ada suara tepuk tangan.

Playpad ini mempunyai melodi tanpa suara nyanyian dan pinggiran dengan lampu LED yang boleh menyala dengan 2 mode; lampu diam serta lampu kelap-kelip. Terakhir, ada butang pengenalan kalimah thayyibah, syahadah, doa qunut, ayat kursiy, surat Al Ikhlas, Al Falaq dan An Naas.

3+ Year
Size: 25*18*2 cm

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

ET166-Rail Overpass Wooden Building Block Children Educational Toy RM65 sahaja

saya mengajak anak anak saya bermain permainan kayu “RAIL OVERPASS”…memang seronok bila nampak kotak mainan ini..yang lebih best ialah permainan ini sesuai dimain bersama sama 4 orang anak saya…yes 4 orang boleh main sekali…cuma kaddang tengah main berebut mainan tue biasa lah kan, berebut kereta, berebut rumah mainan…
ok, apa benda permainan binaan kayu “RAIL OVERPASS” ni ? ialah adalah sejenis permainan yang dibuat dari kayu untuk anak anak belajar membuat binaan sebuah bandar yang ada jalan raya, jambatan, rumah..anak anak perlu menyambung blok blok binaan untuk mendapatkan sebuah bandar yang cantik..selepas binaan siap dipasang, boleh lah kereta mainan tue berjalan atas jambatan
Apakah FAEDAH permainan ini ?
Ok, ini yang saya nampak lah…melatih pemikiran kreatif sebab mula selepas bukak kotak..anak anak perlu buat tapak dulu..tapak bandar ni berbentuk puzzle..kena cantum cantum dulu puzzle tue bagi menjadi tapak yang boleh diletakkan jalan dan, kalau anak saya main….kejap dia tengok gambar pada kotak dan kejap dia akan susun blok blok kayu atas puzzle tue..puzzle ni juga kertas keras..jika disimpan dengan baik, saya yakin mainan ni tahan lama dengan syarat lepas main, simpan semula mainan dalam kotak..jangan ade mana mana bahagian yang hilang lah..untuk anak anak yang berumur 3-6 tahun mereka akan berusaha menyusun binaan sama seperti gambar di kotak permainan ini..bila binaan sudah berjaya disiapkan sama seperti dalam gambar, mereka akan sangat gembira dan anak anak akan mula bermain sambil bercerita tentang binaan tersebut….sebagai contoh mereka akan bercerita..khaulah naik kereta dengan abi nak pergi jalan jalan..abang mujahid naik bas warna oren pergi sekolah…jadi, disini kita akan membantu anak anak mengembangkan kemahiran sosial

Recommended age 3+
High quality 40pcs wooden city toy
Let kids build their own city on a large city-theme puzzle playmat complete with humans and different vehicles
Develop the child's imagination and space perception ability
Useful tool for teaching road safety to a growing child
Wooden material : New Zealand Pine
Product weight : 1.5kg
Come with colour box. Suitable as birthday gift !
Each set contains:
12 x Overpass & Road parts
2 x Traffic signs
4 x Different Vehicles
3 x Human figurines
5 x Trees
3 x Buildings
8 x Coloured city-theme puzzle playmat
Box Size 31.5x24x6cm

Whatapps untuk detail 0139022580

Bunchems Mega Pack 400pcs RM70 sahaja

Berat 160gm
Whatapps untuk detail/order 0139022580